GamCare releases annual report on GameChange

GamCare’s self help manual for problem gamblers, available to residents of the UK, is developed by Sustainable Interaction and has been adapted for the UK market in collaboration with GamCare. GamCare has been running GameChange since 2019 and recently released their annual report covering November 2019 through November 2020. We’re sharing some insights from the report.


GamChange is a digital CBT program that provides the client with individual assignments and information, as well as sessions with an assigned therapist to follow up on the completed assignments and client’s progression. The program has been run in Sweden by Sustainable Care since 2003, and is also being used by Peluuri in Finland. It consists of an online platform with 8 modules on problem gambling, a peer support forum for clients, and a comprehensive administration system for therapists.


Continually lower PGSI scoring

One of the foremost indicators that GameChange works is the decline in PGSI scores among users. The maximum score is 27 - but the threshold for gambling problems is at 8 points. For GameChange clients, the average initial score is 14.8.

Procentage of problem gamblers based on PGSI scores

To follow up on the initial PGSI score, GamCare asks their clients to complete the same screening questionnaire after each completed module. This gives them continuous feedback on how the program works both on an individual and general level. In the report, GamCare states that clients who completed the fourth module of the program had lowered their PGSI score to 4.7. In practise this means that the clients that have completed module four have gone from problem gamblers at a median 14.8 points to moderate risk at a median 4.7 points. Clients that completed the eighth module had lowered their score to 1.9 - low risk.

The course is great. It breaks up the material into manageable pieces especially if you have limited time (due to work etc.) The modules are a good size and the summaries at the end of the modules are very useful.
— GamChange user

Dropout rates and early completions

As GamCare’s program is public and available to anyone, naturally there will be some early dropouts. The reason can be anything from a lack of motivation to current life situation, apprehension or disinterest. For GameChange, the dropout rate 2019-2020 was at 73%. All in all, 7,6% of users completed all modules. The greatest drop was seen after the initial screening; from there on the dropout rate was reduced.

While the numbers don’t seem too bright, GamCare doesn’t require clients to go through the entire program to be considered completed. Some feel that they gain enough motivation just from completing the screening, and others reach the same conclusion after one or a few modules. In other words: clients can have a ‘low risk’ score on the PGSI after 1, 2 or 5 modules. The therapist and client decide together if the client is ready to dropout early.

There may also be other reasons for, such as additional diagnoses, that lead the therapist and client to agree on an early dropout.

I found it really easy to use the website. Being able to do the modules in my own time has been really useful. I found the phone calls adds the personal touch which makes a big difference rather than the course being just online.
— GamChange user

Why iCBT?

For us at Sustainable Care, digitising care, and especially psychological care, has always been high on the agenda. It’s about accessibility, first and foremost. We believe in equality of care and that it should be available to you whenever and wherever you are - without compromising on quality. At the same time, we firmly believe in the importance of personal contact with your treatment provider. Our treatment programs (problem gambling and alcohol abuse), is the result of our strive to combine the two.

As a therapist, you can easily track your client’s progress on a weekly basis simply by revising their work. In addition, the standardised material and methodology means you can be sure that your client is getting the right treatment. 

One of the things that the organisations that use the program are most happy about is that the digital format allows therapists to treat up to the double amount of clients simultaneously, compared to if they had been providing the treatment in a more traditional form.

As a client, you can complete your assignments anywhere, anytime - as many times as you need. You can revisit the material, reflect on your past experiences, and document it all to keep close by in case you need it. It’s on your phone, tablet or computer, and it won’t fade or be dependent on you having a tidy enough handwriting to be able to read it weeks, months or years later. 

GamCare’s users are happy with the digital format - and the addition of the peer support forum and regular calls with their assigned therapist is important and appreciated.


Research paper supports that clinician-guided online CBT is effective


Enhancing recovery: The role of follow-up calls in online treatment